Leading a strenuous life is exactly what I've been doing lately. It's nice to know that ol' Teddy would approve though. I will be spending most of my break working on multiple assignments and non-academic tasks and projects. But this is what graduate school is all about, right?
A couple small toots of my horn:
-I joined Weight Watchers in January and have lost 10lbs so far. I am very proud of myself and also very thankful that this program is working to help me transform my eating habits. I've been going to the gym an average of 5 days a week, and I finally bought some new running shoes. I'm starting out on the treadmill for a while because I'm injury-prone, and hopefully, I will be able to venture out into some local trails soon.
[my pumped up kicks]
-I completed my first Diagnostic Evaluation and received my first couple of clinical practicum hours. Even though it felt like being thrown in the deep end of the pool without floaties, it was a great experience and a great way to learn a LOT about our campus clinic in a short amount of time.
It's insane how, between my studies and my grad assistantship, how much time I spend in my cerebral cortex-area of high level brain functions. My roommate was thanking me for doing the dishes so often and I replied, "I honestly enjoy doing the dishes. It's one of the few mundane, thoughtless tasks that I look forward to." As the semester trudges on, I'm trying to keep things simple and enjoy the ride.