Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I should be studying for the GRE.

I just got back from a poetry reading at my favorite local cafe, Beezy's. It reminded me of the good ol' poetry nights at the Collingwood Art Center, during the summers I stayed in Toledo. It also reminded me of how alive I feel when I listen to the spoken word, completely in the moment with the language. And the vulnerability of the speaker is never less than inspiring.

I need to play with language, like I used to. I want to be passionate about artistic writing again. It's the reason I became a student of Language Arts in the first place. Words, sounds, images -- they connect us.

On a lighter note, I'm having a really good hair day.

1 comment:

Brienne said...

I agree! I meant to tell you your hair looked really great, but it was at times when I would've been interrupting.

I wish I shared more of my writing, it's one of those things I'm odd about. Ah well.