Tuesday, March 09, 2010

A couple of updates and career-related items on my mind:

-I got asked to stand in as a permanent sub for one of the parapros at an elementary school that I frequent. I said yes, because, at the very least, it's experience. I'm curious as to what veteran teachers and hiring teams would recommend in terms of prioritizing experience with my age group (6-12), because this sub job is with kindergarten. Anyway, I'm excited to have a month or so of steady work, five days a week.

-I'm looking at day camp positions for summer work. It would be a ton of fun! Of course I'm shooting for a summer teaching job, but it doesn't hurt to keep other options open. I do not want to work at the restaurant full time this summer. No way.

-The local teacher job fair is happening in a month. I'm debating on what kind of things I can do to stand out. Any suggestions?

-I need to get crack-a-lackin' on studying for the GRE. It's coming, and I want to do awesome on it. I miss being a student. I'm in love with school/learning, as are most teachers.

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