Wednesday, September 03, 2008


A euphemism, at the very least. The high school had late-running renovations, and the school is left in shambles. Most of the teachers think that the first day of school should have been postponed until Monday because none of them have had time to get their classrooms ready.

There are already so many similarities that I'm finding between a staff of high school teachers and the building staffs I was a part of when I worked for housing as an RA, minus the energy level and the flirting.

Tomorrow, the students are coming. I'm not nervous yet; I don't think I'm going to get that nervous, actually. It'll be nice to have the students in the building. I just hope we have something for them to do, since there hasn't been enough time for my cooperating teacher to plan detailed lessons yet.

I should also mention that Ms. D is pretty much the best cooperating teacher I could have asked for. Everyone has told me (in front of her) that I'm going to have a great experience working with her. And throughout all of this chaos, she has remained one of the more optimistic, light-hearted staff members, which is relaxing. She just seems to "get it," if you will.

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