Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Day 1 - Student Teaching

I'm going to count today as the first official day of student teaching, even though I won't see any students until Thursday. I went in for a professional development day today.

Ms. D (gotta be private) is awesome. We started with a tour of the school and stopping to introduce me to whomever we met along the way. Then we went to a whole-staff meeting, where the head principal gave a very motivating speech. By the sound of things at the staff meeting, the teachers are personable with each other. At the meeting, I discovered that a girl who was a frequent classmate of mine (we'll call her Ms. P) is doing her student teaching at the same high school. I was stoked, because she's an awesome person and will be a lot of fun to have around. She brings a relaxed vibe wherever she goes, and she is motivated and dependable, too.

The rest of the day was spent getting to know Ms. D and running around helping her acquire books and catch up with other teachers. Needless to say, I felt welcomed and relatively comfortable there already. Today was just more affirmation that teaching may just be my niche.

I can't wait to meet the students!!!

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